Our Motto

"Let us lead by serving others."

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ready for a New Year

Today the officers met to discuss plans for the new year.We are super excited for this school year and can't wait for it to get under way.Stay tuned for updates.      

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Carson McKee Wins Leadership Award

2013-2014 GCMS Jr.Beta president, Carson McKee, recently won the John W. Harris Leadership Award from the national Beta Club.  The Harris Award recognizes outstanding leadership exhibited by its members and recognizes only 25 members of the National Jr. Beta Club.  Recipients receive a leadership award, certificate, and paid tuition to the Broyhill Leadership Conference.  We are very proud of Carson's accomplishments and will miss her leadership next year.

Emily Goodard Wins at Nationals!

GCMS Jr. Beta member, Emily Goddard, placed fifth in the language arts assessment at the Jr. Beta National Convention!  The convention was held at the end of June in Richmond, VA.  We are very excited with Emily's success!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

State Convention

We had an awesome time at the state convention and brought home two plaques!  Congratulations to Emily Goddard who won 3rd in Language Arts and Carson McKee who won 4th in Special Talent.  Our club also received a 2nd place service award for collecting $1418 for Kosair Children's Hospital.
Handing over a $2000 check to sponsor a room for a year at the Ronald McDonald House.  We will be sponsoring room 310, the same room that Mrs. Hayden stayed in when her son Colton was born.

Grace loved the picture frame fish tank at the RMH.

Chillin' with Ronald.

Waiting for Carson to perform at the Special Talent competition.

We were very nervous for Carson!!!!

Carson's first performance.

First general session.

Bailey receiving our service award plaque from Kosair Children's Hospital.

Carson's second performance.

Carson performing in front of 4000+ people.

Emily won 3rd in Language Arts!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ronald McDonald House Wish List

On Wednesday, February 19th, club members who are traveling to the state convention will be making a stop at the Ronald McDonald House to drop off some supplies.  Here is a link to supplies that are needed.  If you would like to donate, please bring to Mrs. Locker by Wednesday morning.

Empty Bowl Project

On Wednesday, February 12th, around 30 Jr. Beta members painted bowls for the Empty Bowl Project.  The proceeds for this project will go to the Needline in Mayfield.

Piggies for Preemies

During the last week of January, our club began a Piggies for Preemies drive to collect money for Kosair Children's Hospital.  The school collected over $1300 for the hospital!!!!  Below is a picture of students Jacob Hansen, Olivia Heath, and Kaitlynn Miller holding some of the piggies that were used to collect the money.

Helping Those We Love

Recently, 7th grade science teacher, Amanda Fain's house was damaged in a house fire.  Thankfully, no one was hurt, but Mrs. Fain and her family lost many possessions to fire and smoke damage.  To show our support, our club raised $444 in just 2 days to help out the Fain's with whatever they might need.  Below, club treasurer, Grace Thomasson, presents Mrs. Morgan with the check and a bag of items for Mrs. Fain's children.